

Experienced in both small molecule and biological drug discovery, including structural- and computational-based approaches. Target identification and validation. Well versed in planning, budgeting, implementation, and management of multidisciplinary discovery projects and teams.

Product Dev.


Experience rooted in the very early days of process development for biologics, especially the characterization of biologics from mammalian expression systems, functional and structural assessment of post-translational modifications, and assessment of process / product consistency.

Allied Activities


Extensive R&D expertise in interacting with allied disciplines, such as legal, regulatory, finance, and business development, to bring novel therapeutics to the clinic. "Hands on" expertise with biotech startups as well as established entities.



Important DISCLAIMER - This is a science & technology website and not a medical treatment or diagnostic site. No information contained within this site is a substitute for advice or direction given by qualified medical professionals, nor is it intended to inform patients regarding treatment options or disease diagnosis/prognosis. As always, individuals should consult their own medical team about issues concerning their health and well being.